I fly fish a lot…locally, regionally, and nationally. Some view my commitment as an obsession, but for me, it’s a passionate, near-amorous experience. My favorite target fish are the cold water species comprised of brook, rainbow, brown, and cutthroat trout. Of course, I have favorite destinations, and some secret ones too, where I spend anywhere from 100 to 150 days a year suited-up and coaxing trout to fur and feathered flies. However, when tethered in State College, I steal away to romance Spring Creek, my home water sweetheart.
For the past fifteen years, I “paid my dues” learning many of the secrets of this true limestone stream (characterized by hard water). Over the years, I received valuable tips and instruction from expert resources like the Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited, ClearWater Conservancy, the habitat team at the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PFBC), members of the Penn State Fly Fishing Club, the knowledgeable staffs at both Flyfisher’s Paradise and TCO Fly Shop, and several local fishing celebrities like the late George Harvey and Charlie Meck, our very own Joe Humphreys, his protégé George Daniels, and a cluster of like-minded friends who volunteer to restore, monitor, and then enjoy wetting a line in this premier Pennsylvania fishery. From these people, I have learned much.
The main stem of Spring Creek eases its way in a northerly trek for approximately 22 miles, from its origin at the base of Tussey Mountain near Boalsburg, to the confluence with Bald Eagle Creek in Milesburg. Flow starts at a seep on the side of a hill, and over its course is bolstered, cooled, and refreshed to maturity by five major tributaries--Galbraith Gap Run, Cedar Run, Slab Cabin Run, Logan Branch, and Buffalo Run, two major spring-fed hatcheries at Benner Spring and Fisherman’s Paradise, and numerous small springs that percolate up along its path.

Map 1. Fishing accesses, which are listed in the Index at the end of the article.
Good Fishing Holes

Photo 1. Fisherman’s Paradise is the most popular fishing location on Spring Creek anytime of the year.
Although there are some excellent yet challenging beats, fishing on these principal tributaries is extremely limited and the trout run small. On the other hand, the further downstream beyond Lemont that one goes, public access improves, as does the quality of fishing opportunities, and a variety of other outdoor recreation activities become available. Personally, I concentrate on beats along the gentle meandering main stem with its many riffles, runs, and glides, from the bridge on West College Avenue (Rt. 26) at Lemont, downstream to Milesburg. So, when I head out to fish or hike along the many streamside trails for an indulgent rendezvous with my darling home water, there are many options. I then select a stretch with convenient public access, where few other nature lovers are present, and where the fish-friendly flows match the type of fishing I want to pursue that day.
Spring Creek offers no-kill, catch-and-release fishing year round, with predictable hatches and terrestrial insects to tempt hungry fish. The creek has benefited from a number of stream restoration project sites where both in-stream and riparian enhancements have positively improved habitat and fish-holding water. In addition, there are now in place long corridors of conservation easements that buffer and protect Spring Creek’s water quality and the natural beauty. In other words, it offers a premium multi-use opportunity for outdoor lovers, especially fly-fishers.
My casting and drifting preferences find me most comfortable (and effective) when I fish upstream by presenting my fly either up or across the stream. I’m usually too quick on the set when a trout attacks my fly when I fish straight downstream. I also appreciate attracting the occasional take on the swing before I attempt another cast. Accordingly, I typically head toward Milesburg via Rt. 144/150 paralleling Spring Creek once I get to the High Street intersection in Bellefonte. The first public access is in Milesburg just off Commercial Street and across the one lane bridge, where one finds ample parking at the Milesburg Borough Community Park, or at several small turnouts adjacent to and upstream from the Allegheny Power sub-station property (Site 1 on Map[if !supportAnnotations][1][endif] ). If this is crowded, I then backtrack upstream to check any of the remaining 16 or so access points that are marked on the accompanying map. Brief descriptions of the names or other identifying markers for these public parking/access locations follow.

Photo 2. The McCoy Dam access site offers ample parking and access to some excellent trout habitat.
About one mile south towards Bellefonte, there is a gravel road that takes one into the Old McCoy Dam access (Site 2, Photo 2). This site is a showcase stream created by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited, and ClearWater Conservancy. The in-stream enhancements include best practice bank stabilization initiatives, flow diverters, root-balls insertions, and extensive riparian plantings. With the completion of all these improvements, this very popular reach extends upstream approximately 1,500 feet.
Less than a mile further upstream, at the west boundary of the Bellefonte Wastewater Treatment Plant, is a small parking area favored by many locals (Site 3). It provides access to the stream in both directions. If one heads downstream, there is a clear path along the outside of the back fence continuing down the entire length of the treatment facility property. This is great water for nymph imitations, especially during the winter months. An intrusive feature of this beat is the “fragrant” gas that wafts menacingly from the treatment facility—I refer to the aroma as Eau d’ Poop. Turning upstream from the same parking lot, and extending for several hundred yards, one encounters runs that experience less fishing pressure probably because wading is a bit more challenging. There also is a major stretch of the stream located along this run that splits into two lively side channels extending around a long narrow strip of island. Heavy stream bank trees and undergrowth bracket both of these channels. When I venture to this reach, I make sure to take my casting A-game.
Across the stream in Bellefonte and onto Thomas Street for a short drive back downstream, watch for the turn onto Railroad Street where Graymont, Inc. resides on the left, and the popular community kayak course is on one’s right at the stream. At the locked gate to the rail car holding yard below the kayak park, there is open parking (Site 4). Accessing the long glide of the stream (approximately 250 yards) starting at the lower end of the kayak area, one finds an open section of very good water with easy wading, lots of aquatic life, and accommodating trout. A minor interruption to casting to a riser might result when an occasional kayaker paddles through this multi-use part of Spring Creek. Just nod and smile; the fish will quickly resume feeding. This is a good place to work with a beginner, and for novice fishers to practice their casting and catching. When things slow down or the shoulder needs a break, mosey up and watch kayakers show off.

Photo 3. Spring Creek in the midst of Bellefonte offers outstanding trout fishing.
Should one wish to display perfect loops and soft-landing presentations a la Norman Maclean’s A River Runs Through It, then make the short drive back into Bellefonte where a lovely stretch of stream exists for some dandy urban fly fishing. Between the Lamb Street and Veterans bridges, there is an evolving community development project called the Waterfront District (Site 5, Photo 3). Phase I for this project resulted in the construction of a magnificent promenade comprised of pavers, limestone rockwork, observation points, and park benches the for the public’s enjoyment. Coming soon in the adjacent Joseph Masullo Memorial Park are plans to construct an ADA-accessible pad to further enhance family fishing opportunities. There is a set of steps that lead one down from the new waterfront park into the stream. Fishing is not permitted from the walkway; one MUST wade in-stream to ply these riffles. When fly-fishers take the stage here, there is always an appreciative audience when fly lines go tight and rods bend. Not fishing? Bellefonte’s Victorian charm and rich history, exciting shopping venues, and authentic eateries from sit-down to take-out are all within a short stroll from the Waterfront District.
If the activity is too busy or distracting at this spot, continue to drive up the same side of Spring Creek past both CVS Drugs and the Bellefonte Historical Railroad Society on Roopsburg Road. The road narrows as one proceeds up the hill to an awkward 3-way stop intersection. Keep to the left and in a couple hundred yards there is a turnout with parking for about four vehicles, and a big sign announcing access to Spring Creek Nature Park (Site 6). The trail into and along the stream is lightly trodden, so it’s full of all sorts of weeds, stickers, and the dreaded Velcro inspiration, burdock. As you pick your way carefully through the maze, you get the sense that this is indeed a buggy and fishy place.
There is nearly a half-mile of riffles, glides, splash pools, pocket water, and a few deep runs to explore. The stream bottom is wader-friendly, and I like this area because it does not get much pressure. There is a lot of good water and fish habitat; this stretch offers water for a variety of fishing styles…all of which will be rewarded by eager, accommodating trout. If you discover a particularly productive spot that meets your fancy, keep it a secret. This is a lovely reach, but at best serves only four to six fly-fishers at a time. Added treats in this area for the nature buff are the diverse flora and plentiful birds and waterfowl.
Back on the upstream road, several public access lots are available along Spring Creek Road. When you cross Rt. 550, just to the east of the bridge that crosses Spring Creek, there is a good-sized gravel access lot that can handle a number of vehicles (Site 7). Enter the stream at the access, or hike up or downstream a short distance and you will be treated to some great fishy water. I prefer the section of the stream down toward the Rt. 550 Bridge with its combination of soft runs, deep troughs, and brisk riffles. Be careful! Wading is somewhat challenging here due to submerged deadfalls, tricky limestone rocks of all sizes that snag boots, and a few deep holes that can top your waders in a mere step or two.
One evening during a Sulphur hatch, Joe, my good fishing buddy and I witnessed a mommy duck with six little ducklings attempt a stream crossing right between my buddy and me. We were separated by about 20 yards while standing in mid-stream. Mama crossed first with five of the six ducklings in close, obedient formation. When Mom noticed that number six, Junior, got distracted and hung back, she exploded with loud duck-speak expletives. Junior quickly got the message; he set his fuzzy wings flapping and feet kicking in wild abandon working to rejoin the family. Sadly, the story did not end well; junior became a tasty meal for one giant brown in a single splashy take. Then there was absolute silence for a few moments as Mom gathered her remaining clutch. My buddy broke the silence with his typical dry humor and suggested we should forget the Sulphurs, and go back to the truck and tie up a couple duckling flies then return to the stream to try to entice that granddaddy trout to take one of our artificial offerings. True story!

Photo 4. This handicap access site is located in a popular stretch of Spring Creek with high densities of brown trout.
The next two stops are virtually adjacent sections of the stream. The first parking access has signage that reads “PA Fish & Boat Commission Access at 250 Spring Creek Road” (Site 8, Photo 4). This site was the first of the soon to be two handicap accessible fishing platform clear of casting obstructions along the stream. The riffle run in front of this feature is fishy and friendly. One can either walk the trail or wade upstream to one of the more extensive stream restorations sites completed by PFBC and TU volunteers several years ago. There is an ample parking area at this section as well, and it is known as “The Distillery” for the historical business that was once located nearby (Site 9).
On can park in either of these locations, walk or wade between the two beats, and your efforts will be rewarded not only with its natural beauty and quiet serenity but also with plenty of fish action. A bonus stretch of stream that fronts a family-owned picnic park at the upper end of The Distillery is open to the public. The owners are very gracious; please respect the property and leave no trash, tippet, or trace.

Photo 5. The Deer Creek Lane access is lightly used, but offers easy access to some excellent habitat.
The next opportunity for access on the way to Fisherman’s Paradise is a popular stretch for waders and fly-fishers who especially favor nymphing. The stream here is flush with riffles and braids and some deeper runs that hold larger fish year around. Proceeding up Spring Creek Road one finds a concrete bridge that crosses the stream. At this junction, bear right, slow down and watch for a subtle turn onto Deer Creek Lane. Just up this single-track road a short distance, you will arrive at the access lot (Site 10, Photo 5). All along this quarter to half-mile beat, one is best served by wading as the stream banks are well populated with riparian bushes and trees that shade the water’s edges. This is a location where one can easily spend a couple good hours seeking sly trout lurking in nice pockets or tucked in deep holding slots. Between fishing runs, relax with a sandwich and beverage at the kiosk while enjoying the gurgling creek, songs and sounds of many birds, squirrels, and a happy fisher announcing another “fish on.”

Photo 6. Fisherman’s Paradise has ample parking, toilets, and leads to a beautiful trail along Spring Creek.
The next upstream site is Fisherman’s Paradise (Site 11, Photo 6). Here you can take a step back into a retro outdoor park-like setting where no in-stream wading is permitted and many folks congregate to observe the majestic resident eagles that swoop down to snatch a meal from the hatchery, enjoy mid-day picnics, hike along The Canyon Trail that was until recently off-limit prison property, and of course, where some serious fly-fishers, often fly-fishers galore and of all skill levels, can be found working the stream. It is truly amazing that the heavily pressured trout that reside here ever get tricked to take one of the endless varieties of flies that are presented perfectly, and not so perfectly. But there’s always a tight line somewhere that delights the fly-fisher. Central amongst all this activity, there is almost always a small fraternity of fishing buddies huddled around a picnic table, kibitzing, watching for a rise form, heckling a person who just mishandled a hook-set, or eager to share advice to a novice or first-time guest with suggested flies and other tips.
Located here is the H. R. Stackhouse School of Fishery Conservation and Watercraft Safety facility. The PFBC ground maintenance staff maintains the general area and porta-potties for the active, multi-use folks that frequent this storied section of Spring Creek. Fisherman’s Paradise is clearly the social mecca of Spring Creek, so for those who enjoy a lively setting, a place to meet and greet, and enjoy some fishing, this is the right place.
Another benefit of parking at Fisherman’s Paradise is that many anglers can walk upstream beyond the locked gate into the lower reach of The Canyon where wading restrictions no longer apply. The Fisherman’s Paradise reach is 1.3 miles long and extends upstream to the PFBC shooting range (Site 12). One can continue walking upstream from the shooting range for 1.3 miles to the Benner Spring parking lot (Site 13).
Another access to parking near the Benner Spring Hatchery is off of exit I-99 at Shiloh Road where one can descend into this magical section of the upper canyon of prime game land managed by the Pennsylvania Game Commission. The surroundings, except for the old logging road that crosses over a reconditioned iron bridge, are akin venturing into an old growth wilderness. When hiking or fishing in this area during the fall hunting season, it is prudent to wear some blaze orange on one’s hat or outer garment. This past summer, Benner Township completed a 1.1-mile length of The Spring Creek Canyon Trail that connects both The Rock and Benner Spring parking areas. My reaction to this added access is mixed and selfish. “Build it and they will come,” indeed. But as more discover this jewel, so goes some of the existential serenity of the area (Site 13).

Photo 7. “The Rock” access on Spring Creek provides ample parking and a scenic place to fish.
For a more traditional retreat on the stream, where only an occasional passing cyclist, motorcycle, or other vehicles might briefly interrupt the quiet, the stretch further along Rock Road is for you. At the large gravel parking lot that faces its namesake “The Rock,” a large limestone prominence, dominates the stream on prison property (Site 14, Photo 7). Guides like to bring clients here to hike downstream to fish The Canyon stretch all the way to Benner Springs Hatchery. However, when I have an opportunity to slip away for a short afternoon outing with my bamboo rod, I head upstream where three one-car turn-offs provide additional access to some lovely, traditional limestone, freestone-like creek fishing. This is fascinating water and is best fished from in-stream positions. Trying to fish from the bank anywhere here is troublesome because of the many swirls, braids, back eddies, and competing currents. Wading ranges from boot tops to belly belt depths with an occasional boulder or snag. Otherwise, with nearly a mile of stream access, you will have plenty of your very own stream to search for and trick cautious trout of all sizes while savoring the existential experience. What I enjoy most at this location are the passing vehicles that toot their horns when they see your bent rod and tight line as you play a fish to hand. Beep! Beep!
One of the more ambitious stream restoration projects that I was part of involves a length of stream that flows through the Penn State Sheep Farm off Puddintown Road below Spring Creek Park in Houserville. Stream and riparian improvements were worked in two phases. The enhancement projects started at the far back corner of the sheep farm, on up under a narrow single-track farm bridge, beyond the confluence with Slab Cabin Run, and finally ending at the bridge on Puddintown Road where a convenient lot for parking was constructed adjacent to this bridge for fishing access (Site 15). This section provides a healthy, yet delicate fishing adventure. Nursery size fish prevail, but do not let the trout know you consider them dinks. They belie their size with rambunctious takes. If you want some small limestone stream action, select a shorter rod in the 2 to 4 weight range, and wade in for the time of your life. Carry a few extra flies; there are some unforgiving overhanging branches that over the months become decorated like Christmas trees with tippet tinsel and colorful flies.

Photo 8. This bridge at Spring Creek Park overlooks a stretch of stream that has undergone habitat improvement for trout.
In residential Houserville, a family-friendly park, known as Spring Creek Park, is home to the next upstream location (Site 16, Photo 8[if !supportAnnotations][7][endif] ). There is ample access to lovely lengths of good holding water, all within a short walking distance from paved parking lots at either end of the community park. If you are seeking a quiet, secluded fishing beat, this probably is not it. One must compete with pets and people, kids either playing in the stream or throwing sticks for retrievers or stones for big splashes. I have witnessed “child-aged engineers” construct rock dams simply because they could. On the plus side, there are maintained restrooms, spacious pavilions with picnic tables and grills, playground apparatus, walking paths, a quaint covered bridge, and frequently posted “No Smoking” signs. So, fly fishers, keep those cigars tucked away if you choose to fish here.
From the south exit of the park, one will find the final length of un-posted stream access. It is best described as a meadow meander traversing semi-wetland fields all the way to the bridge at Rt. 26 where East College Avenue crosses Spring Creek. From the turnout adjacent to the stop-light-controlled intersection with Houserville Road and East College Avenue, one can see the customer friendly TCO Fly Shop. Flyfishers Paradise, our legacy fly shop in State College, is just another mile down the road toward the Nittany Mall. This meadow reach is not a section of stream for folks that prefer long distance casting (Site 17). On the contrary, the riparian flora is dense, the stream’s width is creek-size narrow; as such, dabbing or employing the “bow and arrow” cast made popular by local fly fishing celebrity Joe Humphreys, is a must for effective presentation. This final section of the lower Spring Creek main stem is truly a risk versus reward adventure. Be assured there are some amazing fishing experiences to be had here. So one can embellish stories of successes accordingly.
From the bridge, on up through the quaint hamlet of Lemont, then further up to the water flowing through Hanson’s Quarry, access is virtually non-existent because of private property limitations or commercial congestion. As the old saying goes. “To know them is to love them.” So now you have a map of the good, public parking locations along Spring Creek that I believe affords easy, safe access to hiking and fishing beats on the home water I have been romancing for nearly fifteen years. My love affair with Spring Creek lives on!
Types of Trout
The PFBC has not stocked this stream for decades. The primary fish throughout the fishery is the brown trout. These trout spawn in Spring Creek during the fall and produce sufficient numbers of offspring to provide a generous, self-sustaining population. There are a few rainbow trout that have managed to migrate into lower Spring Creek from past stocking activity on Bald Eagle Creek. Over time some of these trout have managed to produce offspring, which continue to migrate in small numbers up as far as Bellefonte. This migration occurred following the removal of McCoy Dam, which once limited upstream movement.

Photo 9. Though absent from the main stem of Spring Creek, native brook trout are doing well in Galbraith Gap Run.
On the other hand, I have heard reports, but have no personal experience catching the rare brook trout (Photo 9) in any stretch of the main stem. But the upper reaches of the tributaries to Spring Creek still hold a few of these speckled beauties. In times past, before the PFBC purchased and opened Fisherman’s Paradise in the early 1930s, the brook trout was the dominant native fish. Declining water quality and competition from previously stocked fish likely rang the death knell for this beautiful river char we know as the brook trout. Finally, fly-fishers, particularly those nymphing, occasionally hook up with a fish specimen other than a trout that co-habits in Spring Creek. This bottom feeding fish, with its mouth on the under part of its head, sports thick, fleshy lips that makes hook removal a challenge when landed. Closely resembling a carp, the white sucker is not a desirable recreational catch, but its size and strength offer an exciting fight. Another positive with suckers is that when they spawn, trout line up just downstream and love gorging on their eggs. Yes, fly-fishers do have an artificial fly resembling sucker spawn just for this occasion.
Bugs and Other Critters
A variety of “bugs” extend throughout the full length of the Spring Creek Watershed. The list is long and varied; the most popular delights are sow bugs, scuds, midges, several different mayflies, an assortment of caddis flies, and a sprinkling of Tricos, a rather small mayfly. These are complemented with seasonal terrestrial insects that trout crave; these include ants, beetles, inchworms, the occasional hopper, and rounding out this smorgasbord of treats are worms and some crayfish. The above accounting is not an exhaustive list of trout favorites but certainly is the most common.
Then there is the final critter that I reserved for special mention. It is a member of the locust family; it is recognizable by the incessant buzzing as it hides in the local streamside trees for four to six weeks every few years. We know them as cicadas! Every 13 and 17 years, on a well-charted timetable, these noisy giant morsels of protein erupt from their underground egg nests and swarm throughout our watershed. Not only do the fish go bonkers for them but also do GIANT brown trout that fishermen rarely see emerge from their deep, hidden caverns to devour gut-bulging portions of these cicadas. Make way, fly-fishers from far and wide flock to our streams to join in the frenzy. The next event is just around the corner, so get ready for another bout of cicada mania.
My cicada story involves catching a monster brown in 2007 in a quiet pocket of water behind a large rock near Milesburg. When finally landed, I held up that trophy by the lip over my head to display it for my buddies; it extended from head to tail to a point a couple inches below my armpit. For any doubters, photo documentation exists! I plan to fish the next Brood VI hatch, which is scheduled in 2024 when I’ll be a hardy 80 years old.
The German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, offered a quote that when paraphrased and applied to the life cycle of Spring Creek fits perfectly. “That which does not kill [it], makes [it] stronger.” Year-round fishing pressure, toxic spills, storm water runoff, dewatering, and other ills keep the stream “under siege” as noted in a 2011 technical primer prepared by the PFBC. In spite of its many challenges, stream and riparian enhancement projects, no-kill catch-and-release policies, an extensive introduction of conservation easements that buffer impacts from encroaching development, and far-reaching education initiatives by Trout Unlimited and other conservation groups keep the Spring Creek Watershed viable. This healthy stream and the surrounding ecosystem keep the affair with my home water intimate and moving forward.
To learn more about a myriad of topics relative to the health and well being of this marvelous fishery, trail network, multi-use access, and visitor-friendly communities located here in central Pennsylvania, refer to the brief compilation of popular references and sources of information pertinent to the Spring Creek Watershed that are listed below.
Tight lines, fish responsibly, and respect this lovely lady…Spring Creek!
Clifford Wurster is a passionate flyfisher, able fly tier, and tireless volunteer on many stream restoration projects in the region and elsewhere. He is an active Life Member of both Trout Unlimited and the Little Juniata River Association, is a long-time Rotarian, and supports other community service groups. He is a 1967 graduate of Penn State and is a decorated retired colonel from the United States Air Force where he was a career logistician having served in many stateside and overseas locations.
Fishing Regulations. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission have two regulations for trout fishing in Spring Creek.
Catch and Release Fly-Fishing Only applies to 1.3 miles of the stream known as Fisherman’s Paradise. Fishing is permitted year-round and no trout may be killed or had in possession. Fishing may be done with artificial flies and streamers constructed of natural or synthetic materials, so long as all flies are constructed in a normal fashion with components wound on or about the hook. Fishing must be done with tackle limited to fly rods, fly reels and fly line with a maximum of 18 feet in leader material or monofilament line attached. Anything other than these items is prohibited. Taking baitfish or fish bait is prohibited. Wading is permitted unless otherwise posted.
Catch and Release All Tackle applies to the entire length of Spring Creek, except for Fisherman’s Paradise. Fishing is permitted on a 24-hour basis year-round. No trout may be killed or had in possession. Fishing may be done with artificial lures, flies or streamers, natural bait, baitfish, or fish bait. Spinning or fly-fishing gear may be used in these areas.
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Sources of Information
1) Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited (SCCTU) meets the first Thursday of every month except July and August. Meeting time is 7:30 PM and all meetings are open to TU members, guests, and the interested public. The Comfort Suites Inn at 132 Village Drive, State College, PA 16803 provides the meeting venue. The SCCTU Web Page is http://springcreektu.org. There are links to chapter history, outreach programs, conservation projects, and a variety of local fishing information.
2) Flyfishers Paradise is the legacy full-service fly shop in State College. Serving fly-fishers and -tiers for 44 years, owner Steve Sywensky is the consummate friend to flyfishers and local community organizations who promote conservation and volunteer projects that improve in-stream habitat and riparian enhancements across the Spring Creek Watershed. Fly fishing instruction, guide services, and expert advice are readily available from the seasoned staff that has decades of experience in the Central Pennsylvania Region. The shop is located at 2603 East College Avenue, State College, PA 16801. Their Web address is http://flyfishersparadise.com and the site is packed with flyfishing products and services.
3) TCO Fly Shop is the “newer” fly shop in town opening for business here about 2005, and is located at 2030 East College Avenue, State College, PA 16801. This location is one of four TCO retail shops serving the Reading, Haverford, State College, and Boiling Springs fly-fishing communities. With its substantial ecommerce operation, it boasts being the largest fly-fishing product and service outfitter on the East Coast. Their Web address is http://tcoflyfishing.com and it offers most all things flyfishers might need.
4) George Harvey: Memories, Patterns, and Tactics, narrated by George Harvey and compiled by Daniel L. Shields, DLS Enterprises, Lemont, PA, 1998.
5) Joe Humphreys’s Trout Tactics, Second Edition, by Joe Humphreys, Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, PA, 1993.
6) Matching the Hatch Made Easy, by Charles Meck, Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2012.
7) Fly Fishing Pennsylvania’s Spring Creek, by Daniel L. Shields, DLS Enterprises, Lemont, PA, 2003.
8) Pennsylvania Blue-Ribbon Fly-Fishing Guide, by Barry & Cathy Beck, Frank Amato Publications, Inc., Portland, OR, 2002.
9) ”The Fishery of Spring Creek—A Watershed Under Siege,” by Robert F. Carline, Rebecca L. Dunlap, Jason E. Detar, and Bruce A. Hollender, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Technical Report Number 1, Harrisburg, PA, 2011.
Index to Public Access Parking
1) “Allegheny Power Property” Access off Commerce Street in Milesburg
2) “McCoy Dam” Access off Rt. 144/150
3) “Wastewater Treatment Plant” Access off Rt. 144/150
4) “Kayak Water Park” Access off Railroad Street
5) “Waterfront District” Access in urban Bellefonte
6) “Spring Creek Nature Park” Access off Roopsburg Road
7) “Rt. 550 Bridge” Access off Spring Creek Road
8) “The Handicap Deck” Access off Spring Creek Road
9) “The Distillery” off Spring Creek Road
10) “Deer Creek Lane” Access off Barn Road
11) “Fisherman’s Paradise” off Spring Creek Road at N. R Stackhouse Fishery School
12) “Lower Canyon” Access from Fisherman’s Paradise
13) “Upper Canyon” Access at Benner Spring Hatchery off I-99 at Shiloh Road Exit
14) “The Rock” Access off Rock Road
15) “The Sheep Farm” Access off Puddintown Road
16) “Spring Creek Park” off Houserville Road
17) “The Meadow Meander” below East College Avenue Bridge where it crosses Spring Creek